Having leadership skills is incredibly important for people in management positions. Through effective leadership, managers are able to achieve business goals and improve efficiency as well as encourage employees to work hard.

Motivation and guidance are key parts of successful leaders, and they need to weave them into their leadership style so they can guide employees to the ultimate goals set out.

Why is leadership important in the work environment? Hopefully, we will be able to answer that for you today so you are able to understand what leadership qualities there are and how you can be a great leader, as well as how you can contribute and impact your team.

How Are Good Leaders Defined?

You may think of a successful leader as someone who has authority and can make a team great by implementing key strategies, however, whilst that is a part of it, a good leader will need to influence and inspire people as well as boost employee morale through constructive means that will engage and motivate people.

You will notice an effective leader by the way they promote a working environment that influences everyone around them whilst focusing on the objectives laid out.

They have a strong moral compass and they are willing to go through extra leadership training to help them better understand their employees and develop good leadership skills that will bring a positive working environment and job satisfaction.

What Different Forms of Leadership Are There?

There are six common forms of leadership styles and they are as follows –

Transformational leadership –

Transformational leaders focus on the future, change, and people.

Delegative leadership –

Delegation leaders will not micromanage or be intrusive, they will let employees chart their own course.

Authoritative leadership –

Authoritative leaders encourage others around them and will get to know each team member without micromanaging them.

Transactional leadership –

Transactional leaders create established routines and procedures as they care about structure.

Participative leadership –

Participative leaders will listen to employees and involve them in decision making and ask for open communication to reach a common goal.

Servant leadership –

Servant leaders put the needs of others first and will go with ethical decision-making, empowering team members. They understand that employees may have personal interests with goals in mind.

There are others that business leaders will know about, but these common ones are the most well-known, and team leaders will need to be aware of which leadership style they use so they can properly build on that and work towards improving their skills

What is The Importance of Leadership?

Skillful leaders are sought after by every company. There’s plenty of reasons why you see companies spending time and effort to work with a GM Executive Search Specialist or a recruitment firm to fill the high-position roles in their company with the right people. Good leaders provide the much-needed direction, motivation, and inspiration for their teams. They excel in effective communication, adept problem-solving, and are dedicated to fostering personal growth among team members.

Moreover, they instill a sense of accountability and teamwork, guiding their teams through change and challenges. In essence, these leadership qualities are pivotal in achieving the organization’s goals while nurturing a positive and harmonious work environment that ultimately benefits each and every team member. Thankfully, Keystone Training and its counterparts help cultivate effective leadership, thereby creating the foundation for organizational success.


A leader who is good at their job would also be skilled in communication. He would actively participate in Executive Communication Coaching Programs or some other course to constantly better himself. He would ensure that he hones his interpersonal skills, which could further enable him to learn how to effectively express what needs to happen in the organization and how those goals can be achieved with this current course of work. He would talk about what the future may hold and how employees can be a part of that. He would also note the individual skills of employees and give them the direction they need based on how they work and what they respond to best.


Making important decisions in a small amount of time is crucial when it comes to leadership. They are able to face a myriad of situations that they will create answers for so they can drive the team forward and keep on a steady course.

They don’t rush into making any decisions but will weigh up the pros and cons to see what would be the most effective answer and go from there.

Being too hasty can cause issues and prolong problems that could have been avoided with careful thought.


Effective leaders will guide their teams and remain focused on what their goals are. They will oversee any work being done and steer people in the right direction with their guidance, and let employees know that if there is anything they are unsure of, they can go to the leader for assistance.


Passion is a big drive in leadership, and without passion goals and objectives can fall by the wayside and employees will not feel motivated to do their work.

If a leader shows passion for what they do and how they want it done, that can have a knock-on effect and make people feel supported and passionate themselves about their work.


The success of a business can not be achieved by leaders who do not feel committed to their work and others’ work. They keep working at what they need to and feel committed to seeing things through no matter what.

Leaders will come up against roadblocks and setbacks in their line of work which can be frustrating and worrying, however, with the right feeling of commitment and perseverance, they will be able to push themselves as well as others forward.


A business needs to promote morale amongst employees so they can feel engaged with what they do and how they do it. A great leader will be able to keep morale going by channeling their energies into certain tasks and instilling confidence that motivates them.


One of the most important parts of being a leader is to focus on the growth of a company so that it can keep going and adapting to whatever is changing within the industry.

It is important for leaders to recognise their own weaknesses and where they need to grow so that they can pass that on to the employees.

If they feel like they are right the whole time, then they are not adapting and employees will not be growing too.

What Can Bad Leadership Do?

It comes as no surprise that there are bad leaders out there who are not able to motivate people or produce the desired effect on employees. It can be damaging and cause things such as –

Low Morale

If an employee or employees feel like they are being bullied in the workplace or not appreciated for the work they do, then this can cause low morale and make them not want to keep doing their job.

Poor Performance

A leader that does not encourage work and thank employees for their contributions can churn out poor performances.

Why would employees feel like they need to perform well if they are not getting the right kind of feedback?

High Employee Turnover

Employees will not stay in places that they do not feel welcome or that they can progress in. This can become a pattern and employers will see a higher turnover rate as they cannot seem to hold onto employees in any of their positions.

Toxic Workplaces

As mentioned before, if employees feel like they are being bullied and are worried about coming to work in case they are yelled at for doing something wrong, this can result in a toxic workplace, making them feel inadequate.


As you can see above, it is important that good leadership is in effect so that everyone is able to achieve what they need to with their work.

Bad leaders will make things worse, and if you have any of those qualities, you need to sort them out right away to ensure that you are not contributing to a bad workplace culture.